Hello Jaime,
This is Matt, I would like to take the time to extend my apologies to you once more.
You did in fact let us know ahead of time that you had hit traffic which extended your ETA to the time of the cut-off to be able to participate on the tour. At this time I informed you it was the cut-off and offered the possibility of moving the booking to the following morning, unfortunately your schedule did not allow for it.
We do clearly outline the times in which the customer needs to arrive in order to get on the tour and also state we cannot reimburse for late arrivals.
Although hitting traffic is not within your control and I have sympathy for this, we also have strict policies that we have to follow as a company.
Regardless of the above, I had overridden our normally very strict policies and offered you a partial refund to which I have already had this issued to you by Viator. At the time you didn't feel this was satisfactory and asked for more, I apologized but explained this was all I could do in the situation, considering I had already tried to reschedule your booking.
To put attention to your comments that we made fun of you, I can assure you this was not the case whatsoever. During the time you were in our office, I clearly communicated with you what I could do for you and what I couldn't do for you.
Though we didn't come to a mutual understanding here, I extend my sincerest apologies to you and hope that you still are able to have a fantastic trip of Japan.